Gretha Oost
1 min readAug 22, 2020

Adjusting to the impact of the pandemic has forced change upon us all. Whilst there are many negatives, one POSITIVE I believe is the increase of walking and cycling. 🚶🚴

Neighbourhoods feel like they have come to life. Casual walking is promoting social interaction and children are reconnecting, riding their bikes everywhere.

When businesses re-start I anticipate more people will continue to walk and cycle rather than use public transport — to maintain distancing and reduce exposure to Covid19.

Given the great health and 🌏 environmental benefits of walking/cycling, my hope is for local and regional governments to prioritise this type of ‘active transport’ and facilitate and enable spaces that make it safe and easy for people to do so.

If public spaces were designed around the needs of people and less around the needs of cars it would encourage a new way of moving around a city. Wider footpaths and separated cycleways coupled with pedestrian-friendly streets could become the norm rather than the exception.

Sounds good to me! What’s your view?



Gretha Oost

I’m a product designer, innovator, and environmental advocate dedicated to creating sustainable art projects that are both functional and beautiful.